Let's learn to speak Balinese before we traveled to Bali

Om Swastiastu, Om Swastyastu, speak balinese, bahasa bali, learn balinese, holidy in Bali, adventure in Bali, balinese words
Om Swastiastu, a Balinese Greeting.
Let's speak in Balinese.

If we are on vacation to a foreign country, it would be happy if we speak and understand the local language. Although we can only a few sentences or words particular, we say it'll be fun when meeting and met with residents in the country. 

They will accept you with a more open because you are considered to appreciate and respect their culture. Similarly, when you on holiday to Bali. Learning the language of Bali and say it is not too difficult.

Balinese is the native language of the people of Bali, A relatively small island of 3 million people. The Balinese language, in contrast, has unique sounds. On this occasion I would like to give you some words and sentences of everyday Balinese language that you can memorize easily, so that you can practice while on holiday in Bali.

But before I give you some examples, I would like to inform you, that the people of Bali have always spoken greetings when they met, as well as greetings in your country or other countries. For example, the Arabs would say assalam ualaikum, while the Indians say Namaste when they met each other. Balinese people will say "Om Swastyastu". This is the Balinese greeting that means "May God Bless You".

Please note and memorize the words and simple sentences below:

Julia roberts, Om Swastiastu, speak balinese, bahasa bali, learn balinese, holidy in Bali, adventure in Bali, balinese words
Julia Roberts meet Ketut Liyer in Bali (Eat Pray Love the Movie). Image: baliorti.com

I am John  (Tiang John )    
Yes.  (Inggih. Patut.)
No.  (Tan. Nente)

Thank you. (Matur Suksema or Terimakasih).

Good morning (Rahajeng semeng.)

Good Afternoon. (Rahajeng sanja.)
Good evening.  (Rahajeng peteng.)
Good night.  (Rahajeng Wengi.)
What is your name?  (  Sira wastan jerone or Nyen adane?  )    
What?  ( Apa? or Napi? )    
Who?  ( Nyen? or Sira?)    
What?  ( Engken? or Encen? )    
Which?   ( Engken? or Encen?  )    
Which one? ( Engken? or Encen? )    

Which one? ( Ane encen? or Sane encen? )    
How much? ( Kuda? or Aji kuda?  )    
How many?  ( Kuda? or Aji kuda? )    
Where?  ( Dija? or Ring dija? )    
Where to? ( Kija? or Lunga kija? )    

Where from?  ( Uli dija? or Saking napi? )    
Why?   ( Apakana? or Punapi awinan? )    
How?  (  Kenken? or Sapunapi? )   
When (past)?  ( Ipidan? Or Pidan? or Ring pidan? )    
When (future)? ( Buin pidan? or Malih pidan?)    

What's your name? ( Nyen adane? or Sira wastane?)    
How are you?  ( Apa orta? Or Kenken kabare? or Napi gatrane? )    
Where are you going? (  Lakar kija? or Lunga kija? )    

What's that? ( Napi punika?  )   
What time is it?  ( Pukul kuda jani? or Pukul kuda mingkin? )   
Are you already married? ( Suba makurenan?)
I just came from Kuta (Tiang mara teka uli Ubud.)
Om Swastiastu, speak balinese, bahasa bali, learn balinese, holidy in Bali, adventure in Bali, balinese words
Meet and talk with Balinese. Image: eatpraylive.com.au
If you can memorize and pronounce these words in part or in full, then you will quickly be familiar with the people of Bali. They are happy that there are foreigners who understand and speak their language. Usually you will be easier to get help if you run into a problem. Basically the Balinese are friendly and very easy to make friends with anyone.

Let's speak Balinese and enjoy the most wonderful holiday in Bali. 


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